Most people assume that things such as, annual fees, interest rates and late fees are non-negotiable when it comes to credit cards. A new survey from is showing us that this is not the case. In most circumstances all you have to do is call your credit card company and ask. The survey asked 952 American cardholders and the majority received what they asked for. The problem is that hardly anyone asks.
Here are the results from cardholders who asked:
- 87 percent received a late payment fee waiver.
- 69 percent got a lower interest rate.
- 89 percent received a higher credit limit.
- 82 percent had their annual fee waived or reduced.
If you are looking for ways to reduce or eliminate fees on your credit card it doesn’t hurt to call and ask. The worst they can say is no. This can save you lots of money in the long run, if you carry balances on your cards, so it’s definitely worth a call.
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