By Melani Port on Tuesday, 09 June 2020
Category: Uncategorized

The CARES Act and HEROES Act: What They Mean For Student Loans

The CARES Act suspended interest and payments for most student loans until September 30, 2020. This means that you will not be charged any interest or have to make your payments during that time. If you are fortunate enough to be able to continue to be able to make your student loan payments, you may want to do so. Any payments that you make now will be applied directly to the principal. If you had your student loan payments set up on autopay, these have all been suspended and no payments will be processed until September 30, 2020. You will need to pay your student loan payments directly each month.

The recently passed HEROES Act extends the suspension of interest and payments until September 30, 2021. It also expands the break to all federal student loans. In addition, the HEROES Act will cancel out $10,000 of student loan debt for federal and private loans. Though the HEROES Act has passed it still needs to go through the senate for negotiations. Expect the final legislation sometime in the fall.