Today is World Alzheimer's Day and their quest it to raise awareness of how widespread this disease is. According to their new report, there are 35 million people now living around the world with Alzheimer's or another dementia.

CBS news reports that this number is ten percent higher than what scientists had predicted just a few years ago. The report also suggests that the population with dementia will nearly double every twenty years.

Age is the biggest driver of Alzheimer's, but obesity, high cholesterol and diabetes seem to increase the risk of dementia also. Scientists aren't even sure of the true cause of Alzheimer's. There is no known cure, today's drugs only temporarily alleviate symptoms.

The US government invests 428 million dollars in Alzheimer research as compared to $6 billion for cancer, $4 billion for heart disease and $3 billion for HIV/Aids.

For more information: The Alzheimer's Association.